She Says.

Whatever She Says.

What Do You Say.

with 2 comments

Just the other day, i had a sudden rush to plan my life again. Seeing the email about new internship opportunities at Bloomberg set me off to one of those Do Something Abourit moments. The next thing i know, i was off searching for tips and drafting out my first ever resume. I am ashamed to say that, after 17 years of education, i have not been taught how to write one. But blaming education aside, I am really glad that next semester is going to start late – 30th August yo ! Really 3 cheers to NTU and YOG for that. (But i’m going to complain abourit come the break at the end of the year.) For now, cheerios.

So this gives me 3 whole good months of holidays and i am terribly excited for that. The chances of getting that internship is probably as thin as my Will to exercise though. But i am really hoping to do something that is actually related to what i’m studying and not bum out the 3 months long break, which is Not unlikely. It happened last year and i ended up scooping ice cream and forgetting how to hold a pen.

I do want to be proactive about it this time and get out there to poof up my near non-existent portfolio. But of course, this is me speaking when i’m having too much time on hand right now at Lakehead University. This is me missing being Busy with a thousand and one things on hand. Right now i am just busy thinking about the little world tour at the end of this semester and when i can build my snowman outside.

For all i know, when i get back  i may just Melt into the comforting arms of my friends, loved ones and everything Singapura, getting back whatever that i have miss for the first 5 months of 2010.

We shall see eh ?

Written by hswei

February 27, 2010 at 4:01 pm

Posted in General

2 Responses

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  1. eh i saw the email too! wanted to apply but i can’t rmb what stopped me. which one did u apply for?


    March 1, 2010 at 10:11 am

  2. Hello yunzeee, i applied for the events management one. It’s the only thing that didnt sound so intimidating. Highly doubt i will get though though though.


    March 6, 2010 at 6:49 am

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